Self-Realization | How it can be achieved within ones life time


Before we dwell on the subject of Self Realization we need to understand the real meaning of gaining self realization.

Nowadays so many self realization centres all over the world like self realization fellowship in Seattle, self-realization Boston, Atlanta self-realization and Mt. Washington Self Realization claima to offer self realization. Before one starts on the journey of self realization… the concept of self realization must become absolutely clear.

Self realization is the process by which any human being can realize his real self. And what does this real self mean? It means that our soul (atman) within our body which is the real self within every being (and for that matter every living being) reaches the fag end of its cosmic life.

No further manifestations… this soul (atman) liberates forever from the chain of manifestations. The dross having been completely removed… our soul (atman within us) becomes free forever. It shall not be required to manifest a body again.


Does this mean that the cosmic life cycle which every soul (atman) was required to pass through after manifesting a maximum of 8.4 million manifestations and an earthly journey of 96.4 million years has come to an end? Yes, it is so! And we can safely say that one has realized his real self.

Here we need to understand the relationship between our real self, the soul (atman) and the body taken by it. Unless this relationship is absolutely clear we shall never be able to understand the true meaning of self realization. The claim by many that they have realized self is arbitrary as in the last 150 years only two persons have reached the level of self realization.

Both Sri Ramakrishna Paramhansa and Maharishi Ramana reached the stage of self realization in their lifetime. They reached the cosmic goal of their life… gained self realization before they left their mortal frame.

Self realization is not easy to achieve! Why would God the Almighty make the cosmic journey a long one and that too consisting of 8.4 million manifestations? It is not a simple joke. The process of self realization has to be understood in totality before one proceeds on the path of self realization within his lifetime and reaches the end.

The relationship between the soul (atman within us) a